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NMW 2025 Poster 1 Digital

The observances of National Marriage Week (February 7-14) and World Marriage Day (Sunday, February 9) are an opportunity to focus on building a culture of life and love that begins with supporting and promoting marriage and the family. Our theme for 2025 is “Marriage: Source of Hope, Spring of Renewal. Pursue a Lasting Love!”

Below are some resources to build up your marriage all year long:

Listen to Marriage Unique for a Reason’s Made for Love Podcast, which tells the stories of real people living out the call to love. Here are some of our recent favorite episodes on marriage:
Episode 96: Finances and Faith plus Before Midnight Part 1
Episode 97: Finances and Faith plus Before Midnight Part 2
Episode 103: Aquinas and Casablanca
Take a look at our Daily Marriage Tip, https://www.foryourmarriage.org/daily-marriage-tips-archive/s. Maybe you’ll find a new idea to strengthen your relationship.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter, https://wwme.org/community/sponsored-events/world-marriage-day/ provides numerous resources for celebrating World Marriage Day.
National Marriage Week, https://www.marriageweek.org offers helpful ideas for building up your marriage, recommended reading, supporting marriage in the community, and much more. There’s also a listing of marriage-building events throughout the country.

7 February 2025

Interested in attending World Youth Day in Seoul, South Korea in 2027? The Diocese of Springfield in Illinois is organizing a group to go!

Whether you want to go to World Youth Day, you are thinking of going, or would just like more information about possibly going, connect with the diocese to express your interest. Father Zach Samples, parochial vicar at St. Agnes Parish in Springfield, is the lead organizer for the pilgrimage for those who are thinking about attending World Youth Day, which is intended for those between the ages of 16 and 35.

Go to dio.org/wyd and fill out the interest form. Note, the exact date of World Youth Day, the cost, and details have not been determined. This is simply an interest form so we can start to gather a group from our diocese now. You do not have to know for sure if you are planning to attend.

If you have any questions, email Fr. Zach at zsamples@dio.org.

23 January 2025

“Totus Tuus is a weeklong Catholic youth program dedicated to sharing the Gospel and promoting the Catholic faith through evangelization, catechesis, Christian witness, and eucharistic worship. The program inspires in young people a true longing for holiness, a deep desire for daily conversion, and an openness to their vocation.
Three teams of college aged teachers are traveling to a different parish each week, hosting the five-day catechetical program for grades 1-12. The week is filled with faith, fun, and friendship. There are messy games and crazy skits, in addition to prayer, learning the Sacraments, and going to Mass. The college-age teachers also provide a witness to being an authentic disciple of Christ. The popular program sees hundreds of children participate every year in the diocese. “

If you or your high school seniors, college students are looking for a summer full of purpose and fun, please apply https://dio.org/totus-tuus-team-member-application/.

Criteria for application:
1) Ages of 18-25
2) He/She must have a good relationship with Jesus/active prayer life.
3) He/She must have a heart for mission (simply a desire to share their faith and bring Christ to others).
4) He/She must have decent social skills (eye contact, ability to hold a conversation, etc).

*Please note that prior teaching experience is not required!

23 January 2025

Dear Parishioners of Holy Family and St Peter:
IF the weather man is correct, we will receive upwards of 11” of snow starting late Saturday night into Sunday and Monday.
With that said, we are encouraging parishioners to attend Saturday services at 4:30 PM St. Peter Petersburg, IL; 5:00 PM St. John Vianney Sherman, IL or a Catholic church of your choice in Springfield on Saturday evening ahead of the storm.
IF the weather is as bad as predicted, then travel conditions will be reviewed early Sunday morning by Father Sergio to determine what masses will be celebrated.
IF the weather is as bad as predicted, then the below classes will be Cancelled Sunday 1/5/25:
RCIA with Mike Hough at St. Peter Annex. *First class has been rescheduled for Sunday 1/12/25.
Sunday School at St. Peter Parish Center.
Please keep an eye on your email Sunday morning to watch for an update. The parish office is not open Saturday or Sunday to field calls.
May the storm blow over us and may we celebrate Sunday mass together.
Stay safe and God bless you,
– Rev. Sergio Lizama, S.A.C.

3 January 2025


711 South 6th St.
Petersburg, IL 62675

(217) 632-7118
Mon-Fri 8am. – 4pm

Give to St. Peter Parish

Convenient gifts anytime, anywhere. Give to St. Peter, Petersburg here.

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Mass Schedule

Saturday 4:30 pm
Sunday 8:00 am
Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday 8:00 am

Tuesday 5:00 pm – 5:45 pm
Wednesday 5:00 pm – 5:45 pm
Thursday 7:30 am – 7:45 am

Pray the Rosary
Saturday 4:00 pm
Sunday 7:30 am


Father Varghese Puthussery
Father Varghese Puthussery


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