Pray this Lenten Season

Pray this Lenten Season

Prayer is as necessary to our souls as food is to our bodies. Perhaps the biggest prayer of all is the Mass, and more specifically the Eucharist, where we actually receive our Lord to nourish our soul.

Please sit with Jesus at St. Peter & Holy Family parishes this Lent!

St. Peter: 1st Friday Adoration 3/7 & 4/4. 8:30AM – 8:00PM, Benediction 7:45PM.
Stations of the Cross every Thursday 6PM, 3/13-4/10.

Holy Family: Every Tuesday Adoration. 2:00PM – 6:00PM, Benediction at 5:45 PM.
Stations of the Cross every Wednesday 5:30PM, 3/12-4/16.