Welcome Father Varghese, Bishop Paprocki To Attend Mass

Welcome Father Varghese, Bishop Paprocki To Attend Mass

Bishop To Attend Mass

Bishop Paprocki

Bishop Paprocki is planning to attend 4:30 Mass on September 7, 2024 at St. Peter Church in Petersburg to welcome Father Varghese Puthussery to St. Peter and Holy Family parishes. Both parishes are most welcomed and encouraged to celebrate this special mass with our Bishop and our new Parish Priest.

A reception is being planned immediately following the mass.

More details to come.

Welcome Father Varghese

Fr. Varghese A. Puthussery

I recently had the opportunity to meet and visit with our new priest, Father Varghese Puthussery at one of his current parishes in Villa Grove.

My first question was what would he like to be called (Father Varghese) and what is the correct way to pronounce “Varghese”. It’s var-GEESE.

Father Varghese grew up in India, a predominantly Hindu nation with only about 1.5% of it’s 1.2 billion people being Catholic. Father’s home in the village of Mambra, in Kerala state [map] is widely regarded as one that St. Thomas the apostle visited in 52 AD. Thomas is regarded as the patron saint of India and there is a strong Catholic presence in the southern part of India.

Father Varghese speaks with a British/Indian accent which I found very easy to understand.

Father was raised in a devout Catholic family, the oldest of seven children. He felt called to be a priest at the age of 8. He joined the seminary in 1978 at the age of 16.

After being ordained, Father Varghese became the co-pastor of a parish in northern India where he remained for five years. He them moved to another parish in central India going to the Philippines to complete his post graduate studies.

Upon completion of his studies in the Philippines, he returned to central India. He served as executive secretary of the commission of laity and family for the Catholic Bishops of India, the director of the Pallotine animation center, and the National Secretary to the Catholic Council in India, in addition to many other administrative leadership roles.

For all of these responsibilities, however, Father Varghese was called to move back to a role as parish priest, administering the Holy sacraments and ministering to the laypersons of the church. “For my own kind of renewal and I wanted to have more opportunity to administer sacraments as a priest. The sacrament of reconciliation and all other sacraments because I felt that it would bring a kind of or a renewal, a kind of spiritual depth to my life. Living with the ordinary and helping people and journeying with them, listening to their life struggles and challenges and difficulties helped me grow my faith,” he stated.

Through this calling he came to the United States just over a year ago to serve with the Pallotine Brothers and Sisters in their Milwaukee, Wisconsin location. The Pallotine Father in Milwaukee work closely with the Diocese of Springfield, and when the need for a Parochial Administrator for Forty Martyrs, St. John the Baptist, and Sacred Heart parishes became available, Bishop Thomas John Paprocki was glad to offer him the position. A position where he has felt quite welcomed and at home for the past year.

I asked Father how he felt about being moved to St. Peter and Holy Family parishes and he smiled and told me that he is quite happy to serve wherever the Lord needs him. He told me that he has been to Petersburg before, to visit his friend Father Maurice.

My personal impression of Father Varghese is that he is a warm and happy man who laughs easily, cares about the people in his care, and will be a blessing to our parish.


This article quotes heavily from an article written by Tony Hooker in the The County Chronicle

Fr. Constantine Mlelwa Visits St. Peter Parish

Fr. Constantine Mlelwa Visits St. Peter Parish

Fr. Constantine Mlelwa
This past weekend, Father Constantine Mlelwa, a priest from Tanzania, visited St. Peter Parish and Holy Family Parish.

Fr. Constantine was on a missionary trip to raise funds for projects undertaken by the Catholic Church in Tanzania. One of these crucial projects involves drilling wells in areas with limited access to water. During Mass, he explained that women and children often have to walk up to 45 minutes to reach water sources, then carry the heavy loads back. This arduous task is not only exhausting but also poses significant safety risks, as women are vulnerable to assaults during these journeys. The new wells will provide safe and clean water for many rural villages, alleviating these burdens.

Another important initiative is the establishment of schools. Fr. Constantine shared that government-funded schools in Tanzania often fail to provide a quality education, leaving children ill-prepared for college. Currently, there is only one Catholic school in Tanzania, accessible primarily to the wealthy. The funds raised during his mission will help build and support additional schools for children from less affluent families.

These schools will cater to children from Kindergarten through age twenty-one and will operate as boarding schools. This arrangement allows students to focus on their studies and schoolwork beyond regular school hours, free from the domestic chores that typically take precedence in Tanzanian households.

Fr. Constantine emphasized that the economy in Tanzania is weaker compared to the United States, making the funds raised here significantly impactful for these Catholic projects in his country.

Divine Mercy Project– Installation of our 6th sign

Divine Mercy Project– Installation of our 6th sign

Calvary Catholic Cemetery in Petersburg now has the beautiful Divine Mercy sign in the NE corner of the property. May all those who come visit know the strength of our Lord and His Mercy.

Eternal Father, I offer the most precious blood of Your Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, for those in my own home and within my own family. Amen

-Prayer of Saint Gertrude (Chosen by Saint Faustina as one of her patrons)

Bulletin Advertising

Bulletin Advertising

Every year our publisher’s ad representative for our parish, Brandy Stivers, comes to our community for a week to reach out to local businesses and see if any local business owners would like to advertise in our bulletin.

To help with this initiative, leading up to that week we will be advertising this campaign and have a contact info sheet in the annex if anyone would like to suggest their business or the business of a friend or family member for contact by Brandy during the campaign.

Any additions help, we’d love to have some prioritized businesses to suggest so Brandy’s work can especially address those eager to have their name put out to our parish communities.

Thank you!

Divine Mercy Sign Installed

Divine Mercy Sign Installed

What is one of the most traveled roads between Athens and Petersburg?
Yes, it’s the Athens Blacktop (now closed due to construction). BUT we jumped through a few hoops and have a great location visible from the East and West just East of the Sangamon River. Thank You for all your prayers, encouragement and support…

Divine Mercy Project Team

Photos: Memorial Day Mass at Calvary Cemetery

Knights of Columbus Youth Soccer Challenge

Knights of Columbus Youth Soccer Challenge

All boys and girls ages 9 to 14 are invited to participate in the local competition for the 2024 Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge.

The competition will be held Thursday, June 13, 2024 starting at 5:30 PM at the Athens High School Soccer Fields in Athens IL. In the event of inclement weather, a rain date and location will be announced.

Winners, boys and girls in each age category, will take home a new soccer ball. All boys and girls ages 9 to 14 are eligible to participate and will compete in their respective age divisions.

Participants are required to furnish proof of age and written parental consent. For entry forms or additional information contact:

K of C Council 5754 Youth Director
Andy Morehouse

Knights of Columbus May Baby Shower

Knights of Columbus May Baby Shower

Knights of Columbus
Sangamon Valley Council 5754
PO Box 41, Petersburg, IL 62675

During the May Baby Shower, your donations will support the Pregnancy Care Center (PPC) in Springfield

In addition to providing baby clothes and supplies, or donating via check, you can now:

Donate easily to the Council’s Knights of Columbus Charitable Fund, an independent nonprofit public charity, a donor-advised fund.

Use the giving link QR code below:

Fill out the requested information.

Provide a payment method.

In the comment’s block specify: PPC May Baby Shower

Contributions into the Council Account are potentially tax-deductible, with the staff providing each donor a gift acknowledgement letter.

The Council can now recommend grants from our Council Account to 501 c 3 public charities, such as the Pregnancy Care Center of Springfield.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Council Treasurer or Financial Secretary, respectively: Chuck Fagan or Darrell Roll, 217-632-0198, or Darrell.roll@sbcglobal.net.

Thank you for your grateful giving to this worthy cause.

Sangamon Valley Council Website: www.kofc5754.org

New Altar Servers!

New Altar Servers!

St. Peter Parish community would like to extend a warm welcome and congratulations to all of our new altar servers. We are truly blessed to have such a wonderful group of young volunteers to join this important ministry for the Church.

Easter 2024