Welcome to this third Easter Sunday. The story of the Gospel tells us how the two disciples retold their experience in their way to Emmaus.
The two were disappointed, frustrated, helpless and hopeless, because they taught everything was failure. That sad situation even blinds them and they could not even recognize Jesus who joined them when they walked to Emmaus. They looked downcast. Jesus opened their minds by breaking the bread while explaining the Scriptures to them.
To you my brothers and sisters, the Scriptures are telling us that failure, discouragement; frustration cannot prevent Jesus to journey with us. He is our Good Companion. The Gospel finishes by these words: ”YOU ARE WITNESSES OF THESE THINGS”.
Therefore we are challenged to witness the RESURRECTION. The good way to witness is to be committed, to be active, to do something. And this Sunday is a Special one. Because 14 of our children decided to say YES TO THE CALL OF JESUS.
Dearest, by saying YES you became WITNESSES OF THE RISEN CHRIST. To witness, tell the story of Jesus. Don’t forget the Lord. Know his will. Your service will help you to remember Jesus every day. Don’t look downcast as the disciples of Emmaus, but look up as a soldier of Christ. Always ready to serve the Church and any good cause wherever you are. BE GOOD EVERYWHERE AND ESPECIALLY AT HOME. BE GOOD AND OBEDIENT TO YOUR PARENTS WHO ALLOWED YOU TO BE WHERE YOU AREE TODAY.
Thank you to respond by accepting the call to serving the Lord and your parents and you brothers and sisters of Saint Peter Parish Church in Petersburg, in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Taking that commitment, you take also the responsibility to assist the Priest at that sacrifice of the altar. Serving at the Altar is a privilege and great responsibility. The mass (Eucharist) being the Source and the Summit of our Christian life.
I wish your service will be glory to God and growth of your own spiritual faith. By serving and being open to the will of God you will find great peace and immense joy in your life.