“Do you want to Fast This Lent?” Pope Francis asks in 2023 and then replies:
Fast from hurting words and say kind words, from sadness and be filled with gratitude, from anger and be filled with patience, from pessimism and be filled with hope, from worries and have trust in God, from complaints and contemplate simplicity, from pressures and be prayerful, from bitterness and fill your hearts with joy, from selfishness and be compassionate to others, from grudges and be reconciled, from words and be silent so you can listen.
Dive into fasting and why this Lenten season:
Patriarch Pizzaballa: Lenten forgiveness is stronger than violent words of hatred – Vatican News
A Reflection on Lenten Fasting | USCCB
Lenten practices designed to foster relationship with God, which brings true happiness – Diocese of Springfield in Illinois
Lent Fasting Rules: Catholic Rules for Fasting During Lent in 2025 – Hallow
Also, to satisfy our Friday obligation check out these meatless meals from around the world:
Lenten Recipes | CRS Rice Bowl
https://www.crsricebowl.org/recipe Continue reading