The Eucharistic Pilgrimage Comes to Our Area!

The Eucharistic Pilgrimage Comes to Our Area!

Wednesday, July 10th and Thursday, July 11th saw a variety of exciting happenings unfold around our Diocesan locality related to the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage. The monstrance which has made its way along the “Serra Route” has been received by our Diocese, making appearances on Wednesday for a procession around the Corpus Christi Priory and St. Francis of Assisi Church campus, followed by a dinner for attendees with testimonials from those inspired by this time of Eucharistic Revival, along with all-night adoration in the Church. The next day, the monstrance was transferred to the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, where Bishop Paprocki was the lead celebrant of Mass, followed by a grand five mile procession throughout the streets of downtown then stopping at Blessed Sacrament Church, the Dominican Convent, and finally St. Agnes Church. It was a monumental two days of celebration in honor of our Lord in the Eucharist, attended by members of both St. Peter and Holy Family, including Father Maurice. The monstrance will continue on its route to Indianapolis, where the other traveling monstrances will converge, along with tens of thousands of Catholics for the National Eucharistic Congress on July 17-21.

Father Maurice on Retreat July 15-19